Messages pane

The Rest of the Screen

The Messages pane allows you to effectively manage your empire. Stars! generates a lot of messages to inform you of most significant events that happen each year of the game. From this pane, you can view these messages, open a dialog related to the current message, and change your Command and Scanner pane selection to the planet or fleet described in the message.

You can also view messages from other players and compose and send messages to other players.

The text in the title bar tells you three things:

♦        The current year or turn. Since every game starts in the year 2400, the example shows that it's currently turn number 2.

♦        Whether or not you have made changes and need to save. An asterisk follows the year if you have unsaved changes.

♦        How many messages you were sent this turn, and the number of the message displayed.

Read more about Messages:

The Goto, Previous and Next Buttons

Filtered Message Checkbox

Filtering Message Types

Sending Messages to Other Players